
Designers on dark mode
Dr Louise Croft Baker shares her views in Design Week

The UX Agency's Dr Louise Croft Baker was given an opportunity to share her views on the iOS updates' Dark Mode feature in the UK's leading online design magazine, Design Week.

Simply put, Dark Mode inverts screen displays to provide white writing on a black background rather than black writing on a white background.

Apple claims that it is better for your eyes and that it can also save battery life. However, the article shares opinions from design leaders on its benefits and limitations

The UX Agency's Managing Partner, Louise Croft Baker, also shared her thoughts.

I think it is a case of jumping on the bandwagon and you’ve got to ask yourself why?

Dr Louise Croft Baker
Managing Partner

Louise went on to suggest that whilst Dark Mode works for the likes of Spotify and Netflix, it may actually hurt for text heavy experiences. She concludes that the key benefits come in low light conditions and from an accessibility perspective for visual impairments, such as cataracts .

You can find the full text article here: https://www.designweek.co.uk/issues/4-10-november-2019/dark-mode-design/